Building a diverse Otaniemi

Our aim is to create an internationally known, interactive and versatile campus that supports cooperation with the businesses and other operators in the area. We want to create a campus that is more than just a place for studying and working.

Otaniemi has developed into a concentrated and versatile campus area, where students, researchers and businesses innovate together. The Aalto University campus is an excellent environment for lifelong learning.

A BLOC 27-9-2018 photo Mikko Raskinen

Our services

  • Property development
  • Construction
  • Leasing and renting
  • Real estate asset management and administration
  • Property maintenance and user services
    • Technical maintenance, cleaning, waste management, recycling and moving service coordination
  • Work environments
    • Facility development and space design and furniture, fixtures
  • Business development and sustainability
A Grid aula

Key facts 

  • Around 50 employees
  • Aalto University Campus & Real Estate is 100% owned by the Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö foundation
  • Responsible for the administration of 22 joint-stock property companies and several jointly owned properties
  • Value of real estate assets around EUR 538 million (2021)
  • Aalto University is the largest user of our properties
  • Over 140 tenant businesses from start-ups to large international enterprises


  • Boldly: We dare to take risks and try new things and ways of working.

    Passionately: We have a passion to succeed and exceed expectations.

    Together: We respect our community and act responsibly. Together, we accomplish more.

    With joy! We nurture a joyful, open, and trusting atmosphere while succeeding together.

  • Equality, diversity and inclusiveness are core values of Aalto University, which ACRE is also committed to.
ACRE as employer
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Aalto
Green Office is part of our everyday life
Ville Jokela

Together we are developing Otaniemi into a unique meeting place and the most inspiring campus in the world!

Ville Jokela, Managing Director

Get to know the Otaniemi campus

Our properties

Aalto University Töölö (external link)

Runeberginkatu 14-16, 00100 Helsinki


A Bloc (external link)

Otaniementie 12

A Bloc avajaiset

Health Technology House (external link)

Otakaari 3, Rakentajanaukio 2

Otakaari 3

Kide (external link)

Konemiehentie 1


Metsähovi Radio Observatory (external link)

Metsähovintie 114, 02540 Kylmälä

Metsähovin radio-observatorio

Otakaari 4 (external link)

Mechanical Engineering 1, K1

Otakaari 4

Otaparkki (external link)

Sähkömiehentie 3


Puumiehenkuja 3 (external link)

Mechanical Engineering 2, K2

Puumiehenkuja 3

Rakentajanaukio 4 (external link)

Construction engineering, ACRE

Rakentajanukio 4

Saha (external link)

Konemiehentie 3

Saha ilmakuva

Sähkömiehentie 4 (external link)

Mechanical Engineering 4, K4

Sähkömiehentie 4

Tietotie 1 (external link)

Marine Technology, Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Tietotie 1c

Viima (external link)

Puumiehenkuja 5

Viima pääsisäänkäynti

Vuorimiehentie 1 (external link)

Aalto Bioproduct Centre

Vuorimiehentie 1

Vuorimiehentie 2 (external link)

Circular Raw Materials Hub, Space 21

Vuorimiehentie 2_Markus Sommerschield_200612_ACRE_038

Väre (external link)

Otaniementie 14

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