About us
Building a diverse Otaniemi
Our aim is to create an internationally known, interactive and versatile campus that supports cooperation with the businesses and other operators in the area. We want to create a campus that is more than just a place for studying and working.
Otaniemi has developed into a concentrated and versatile campus area, where students, researchers and businesses innovate together. The Aalto University campus is an excellent environment for lifelong learning.

Our services
- Property development
- Construction
- Leasing and renting
- Real estate asset management and administration
- Property maintenance and user services
- Technical maintenance, cleaning, waste management, recycling and moving service coordination
- Work environments
- Facility development and space design and furniture, fixtures
- Business development and sustainability

Key facts
- Around 50 employees
- Aalto University Campus & Real Estate is 100% owned by the Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö foundation
- Responsible for the administration of 22 joint-stock property companies and several jointly owned properties
- Value of real estate assets around EUR 538 million (2021)
- Aalto University is the largest user of our properties
- Over 140 tenant businesses from start-ups to large international enterprises

Boldly: We dare to take risks and try new things and ways of working.
Passionately: We have a passion to succeed and exceed expectations.
Together: We respect our community and act responsibly. Together, we accomplish more.
With joy! We nurture a joyful, open, and trusting atmosphere while succeeding together.
- Equality, diversity and inclusiveness are core values of Aalto University, which ACRE is also committed to.
Ville Jokela, Managing DirectorTogether we are developing Otaniemi into a unique meeting place and the most inspiring campus in the world!
Get to know the Otaniemi campus
Our properties
Aalto University Töölö (external link)
Runeberginkatu 14-16, 00100 Helsinki

A Blanc (external link)
Otakaari 27

A Bloc (external link)
Otaniementie 12
Startup Hub A Grid (external link)
Otakaari 5

Computer Science building (external link)
Konemiehentie 2

Dipoli (external link)
Otakaari 24
Espilä (external link)
Konemiehentie 4

Harald Herlin Learning Centre (external link)
Otaniementie 9
Health Technology House (external link)
Otakaari 3, Rakentajanaukio 2

Kemistintie 1 (external link)
Kemistintie 1
Kide (external link)
Konemiehentie 1

Maari building (external link)
Sähkömiehentie 5

Maarintie 8 (external link)
Maarintie 8

Magnet House (external link)
Otakaari 5 I

Marsio (external link)
Otakaari 2

Metallimiehenkuja 4 (external link)
Architecture workshop

Metsähovi Radio Observatory (external link)
Metsähovintie 114, 02540 Kylmälä

Nanotalo building (external link)
Puumiehenkuja 2

Otahalli (external link)
Otaranta 6

Otakaari 4 (external link)
Mechanical Engineering 1, K1

Otakaari 7 (external link)
Aalto Studios

Otaparkki (external link)
Sähkömiehentie 3

Puumiehenkuja 3 (external link)
Mechanical Engineering 2, K2

Rakentajanaukio 4 (external link)
Construction engineering, ACRE

Saha (external link)
Konemiehentie 3

School of Business (external link)
Ekonominaukio 1

Sähkömiehentie 4 (external link)
Mechanical Engineering 4, K4

Tietotie 1 (external link)
Marine Technology, Aalto Ice and Wave Tank

Tietotie 1E (external link)
Water Building

Undergraduate Centre (external link)
Otakaari 1

Viima (external link)
Puumiehenkuja 5

Vuorimiehentie 1 (external link)
Aalto Bioproduct Centre

Vuorimiehentie 2 (external link)
Circular Raw Materials Hub, Space 21

Väre (external link)
Otaniementie 14