Submit your nomination for the Campus Sustainability Champion 2024!

For the eighth time, the Campus Sustainability Team is looking for Campus Sustainability Champion. Send us your nomination by 11.9.2024 via link below.
Campus Sustainability Champion 2024

The Campus Sustainability Team is looking for a person, entity or activity, which serves as a good example to others, takes concrete action or in some other way significantly brings Aalto University and its campus closer to reaching its sustainable development goals. 

Suggest an actor, person or action - the suggestion can be a concrete action, an exemplary activity or anything else that has inspired you from a sustainability point of view. Even small actions make a difference!

This year's theme is Aalto Community Spirit - the spirit of togetherness and community on campus. The winning proposal can be related to teaching, research or art, multiculturalism, biodiversity or even a new initiative towards a more community-oriented campus.

Suggest the Campus Sustainability Champion via this form no later than 11th September 2024!

The Campus Sustainability Champion award is now in its eighth year. Last year's winners were The Test Site concept and campus wellbeing route.

The winner will get a small prize and a lot of fame and good visibility as a promoter of campus sustainability. The prize will be awarded on the occasion of ACRE Day in October 2024, so come and enjoy the atmosphere of a campus day at Rakentajanaukio!

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