Recycling campaign starts on Otaniemi campus

A community-wide waste recycling and sorting campaign will be launched in early October. The aim is to increase recycling rates and reduce mixed waste.
Sekajätekasa Ämmässuon jätteenkäsittelylaitoksella.
A mixed waste heap from Aalto University at the waste treatment plant in summer 2024.

In early October, Aalto University will launch an ambitious recycling campaign with the clear goal of increasing the campus recycling rate from 64% to 70% over the next 12 months. The campaign will engage the entire Aalto community – students, staff, tenants and other campus users – in making recycling more efficient through simple and easy-to-implement measures.

"Increasing the recycling rate has significant benefits," says Janne Laine, Vice President for Innovation at Aalto University. "By reducing the need for non-renewable raw materials, we extend the life of existing materials and reduce the university's waste management costs. By recycling and sorting properly, we ensure the recycled materials' quality and positively impact the climate. We also aim to reduce the amount of waste generated on campus in general."

Small actions make a big difference

Currently, 1400 tonnes of waste are generated on campus per year. The campaign is based on the simple idea that everyone can reduce waste and increase recycling rates. Properly sorted waste is not wasted, but can be used as new raw materials. This is a step towards a more sustainable future. 

"This campaign sends a clear message: every Aaltonian's contribution is important. As a community, we have room for improvement, but fortunately, we can all contribute to achieving the goal," Laine continues.

The campaign's impact and the recycling rate's progress will be monitored and reported every three months. Tips for better sorting, information sessions and guidance will also be provided.

Do you already have a good idea or tip to improve waste recycling on campus? Leave it below this article (logged in users) or write to us at [email protected]. If necessary, tips can be used to make a very quick impact on recycling on campus.

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