Interruption of district heating distribution in the following properties: Lämpömiehenkuja 2, 3A-B, Betonimiehenkuja 3 and 5

District heating will be suspended in Otakaari 1, 4 and Puumiehenkuja 2 due to maintenance work. The interruption will occur on Tuesday, November 26 starting at 8am until 4pm.
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Otakaari 1 kyltti Y-siipi
Campus, Studies Published:

Activities from Maarintalo to move to the Undergraduate Centre

Maarintalo will be closed at the end of May.
Otaparkki julkisivu
Campus, University Published:

Otaparkki offers smooth parking for campus visitors

The Otaparkki multi-storey car park and other paid parking spaces on the campus provide parking for guests arriving on campus.
Bar Otapas
Campus Published:

New cosy bar Otapas opens in shopping centre A Blanc

Bar Otapas opens on Friday 1st of March in shopping centre A Blanc. Cozy new meeting place is open from afternoon until late at night.
Campus, Incidents, University Published:

Water cut in Dipoli 22 Feb at 8-15

There is a planned water cut at Dipoli (Otakaari 24) on Thursday 22nd February starting at 8.00, and it is estimated to end at 15.00.