Antti Tuomela appointed Managing Director of Aalto University Properties Ltd

Tuomela is responsible for the provision of premises and services on campus.

Antti Tuomela, D.Sc. (Tech.), has been appointed Managing Director of Aalto University Properties Ltd as of 28 April 2015.

Tuomela has worked at Aalto University in the position of Director, Real Estate since 20 October 2014 and he will also continue in this position. Prior to his career at Aalto University, Tuomela held the position of Vice President, Asset Management at Newsec Asset Management.

Antti Tuomela is responsible for integrating the Aalto University Campus Services and the provision of premises and premise related services by Aalto University Properties Ltd into customer oriented service offering. The integration is connected to a transaction that was completed in the spring of 2015, which resulted in Aalto University gaining ownership of the entire capital stock of Aalto University Properties Ltd. The acquisition requires approval from the Parliament of Finland. Tuomela's tasks also include sharpening the offering of premises of Aalto University Properties Ltd to university's various partners and stakeholders.

Kari Kontturi, the previous Managing Director of Aalto University Properties Ltd, left his position on 15 April 2015. Antti Tuomela has been acting as the interim Managing Director since 16 April.

More information:

Marianna Bom
Chief Financial Officer, Aalto University and
Chairman of the Board, Aalto University Properties Ltd
tel. +358 50 575 3762

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