Customer satisfaction with premises has increased on the Aalto University campus

Customer satisfaction has increased after the Covid-19 pandemic among the facility customers of Aalto University Campus & Real Estate (ACRE). In particular, the respondents praised access control, lobby services and meeting rooms.

ACRE maintains, develops and leases Aalto University's office, business and production facilities at Otaniemi in Espoo, Töölö in Helsinki and Metsähovi in Kirkkonummi.
Otaniemi campus area

ACRE conducted a customer satisfaction survey for Aalto University’s facility tenants in May 2023 as a combination of telephone interviews and an email survey, for which a total of 74 responses were received. 65% of all the respondents would very likely recommend the facilities offered by ACRE to other facility customers as well. The result of the recommendation survey is called a net promoter score (NPS), and ACRE’s overall score of 60 is in the upper quartile of the reference database of Innolink Oy, which conducted the customer satisfaction survey. ACRE’s overall score has increased year after year, and ACRE will continue to pay attention to developing the service experience based on the information obtained from the survey.   
Jenna Isokuortti, head of leasing and customer experience at ACRE, says that improved customer satisfaction has strengthened the partnership between ACRE and the tenants. 
“Good customer satisfaction among the tenants is important to us. The comprehensive development of services on the Otaniemi campus can only be ensured through good cooperation and well-functioning partnerships. Recommendations and a positive image attract new entrepreneurs to the Aalto University campus.”

Access control, lobby services and meeting rooms were praised    

Above all, ACRE’s facility customers have found the premises to suit the purposes of their company, which has contributed to their positive customer experience. The respondents were particularly satisfied with access control, lobby services and versatile, sufficient meeting rooms. The respondents valued ACRE’s customer service and in general smooth cooperation and consider the maintenance of these two aspects important also in the future.

We are pleased to hear that we have been able to provide our customers with spaces that meet their needs. Our goal is always to take into account the needs of companies of different size and profile even in changing circumstances,” says Jenna by way of analysing the positive responses of the survey.

As development targets, the respondents highlighted the importance of cleaning and the adequacy of parking spaces. Some of office facility tenants would also like more services on the campus, such as sports and restaurant services. The development points highlighted in the responses have already been explored in ACRE’s leasing team and related activities will be developed. The parking situation on the Otaniemi campus will soon be improved when a parking facility to be completed at the beginning of 2024 will be opened on Sähkömiehentie.

“We understand that the facilities must be as functional as possible and actively monitor the effectiveness of our maintenance and user services. Based on the feedback obtained from the survey, it is good to continue making the Otaniemi campus even better and more versatile for the entrepreneurs and employees working there, as well as for the residents and students of the area,” sums up Jenna.

Location on the Aalto University campus brings added value

The customer satisfaction survey also contained questions about the experiences of business premises customers about cooperation with Aalto University and other operators on the Otaniemi campus. According to the respondents, location on the Aalto University campus has promoted the operation of the companies in many ways and has had a positive impact on creating contacts and recruiting, for example. The respondents wished for even more cooperation opportunities with the university and more information about campus events. ACRE seeks to develop cooperation for all the parties to ensure that it will also be smooth in the future.

For more information about Aalto University Campus & Real Estate’s customer satisfaction survey, please contact Jenna Isokuortti, Head of Leasing and Customer Experience at ACRE, [email protected]

Read more about ACRE’s premises >>


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